Change a blogger template is very easy. This is step by step tutorial to change blogger template.
First, go to www.blogger.com and log in using your username and password. Now you are entering in your Dashboard.
Choose your blog (if you have more than one),than click Layout.
First, go to www.blogger.com and log in using your username and password. Now you are entering in your Dashboard.
Choose your blog (if you have more than one),than click Layout.

Click Edit HTML.

I recommended to backup your old template before change with a new one. And this is what you must do to backup :
1. check Expand Widget Templates
2. click Download Full Template
1. check Expand Widget Templates
2. click Download Full Template

Make sure the file you want to upload is already XML or HTML format file. You can’t upload Zip file or RAR file. So, if your file is zip or rar, you must extract them first using WinZip sofware or WinRar software.
Browse the XML file on your hard drive and click Upload.
Browse the XML file on your hard drive and click Upload.


These are very creative ads for different types of products and services. Silly ad for a bread remind us of the movie “Birds” by Alfred Hitchcock, because of piracy Superman is forced to live on the street, and from the Anagrami’s book, instead of words springing up a three-dimensional “clash”. Three fabulous ads by Greenpeace warn us of disturbing pollution of our planet. As for the environment, there is the anti-smoking ads and ads for fresh and clean drinking water, for the restaurants, engines, condoms… The ads are not only ads in these days, they are great entertainment too, so I suggest you watch them, and try to figure out what they want to say us. Advertise never enough!

This amazing photos was taken from Guiness World Record's album. Each photos has it's own stories. Visit their website for more stories.

Now you can easily view photos in Facebook just by 'mouse-over' on the photo thumbnails. You can use add-on plugins for Mozilla Firefox or Chrome Extension. But for Internet Explorer users, sorry for now, it's only available for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Download the plugin for Mozilla Firefox or extension for Google Chrome below.